Sunday 25 May 2014


Let Me Dream
By: Elizabeth Mccrorie

I've neglected & regretted
All this pain.
& today was filled with
So much shame.
I'm exhausted now,
From all my thoughts.
& I don't know how 
To make things stop!
But I have a trick,
Up my sleeve.
To make things pause,
For 8 hours at least.
It comes late, after the sun
Has vanished.
To the point were stars,
Sparkle like magic.
It's called a dream.
My own little world,
A place where people don't even exist.
But the things I love are at my fingertips.
It lets me run, for only a little while.
Giving my life time to breathe.
& handing me something
I know I can keep.
Just let me dream.

Family Friend Poems 
She wrote this poem one night when she was screaming for some sleep! She wanted to get away from all the drama, she just to have a really good dream!

I choose this poem, but I don't know why I choose this poem. I just feel something when I read this poem, but I don't really know what is real meaning of this poem. I just understand this poem from the title 'Let Me Dream', so this poem is about dream. To be honest, I'm not really like poetry because it's too hard for me to understand it.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Planning to be better at Term 2

When I receive my term 1 report I not feel satisfy.
My report is not that good, I want to improve my mark. 
In this entry I want to share my strong points, weak points and my plan to get better at this term.

My strong points is I speak English to my friend because most of my friend is from China. I like to read some news or story in the internet and I loves watch TV Series from america. I watch How I met your mother, this TV series is very funny. This really help me to learn new vocabulary and improve my conversation in English.
I also like to participate in the class, like answer the question and listen to the teacher. My strong points is not so many because I am kinda lazy person.

I've got so many weak points, my weak points is I am not always do my homework. Sometimes I like to sleep in the class because I like to sleep and not get enough sleep so I feel tired. When the test is the approaching and I think I can't do it I don't want to study and just give up on it. My worst weakness is at the Math lesson that I really don't care about it, I hate this lesson because really make me confuse and I don't want to study this subject. I got very bad mark in this lesson on my term 1 report.

So lastly, this is my plan to get better at Term 2

1. Keep improving my English at reading, watching and conversation.
2. Start to get enough sleep so I don't feel sleepy at class
3. Try to always do my homework
4. Study if there is a test
5. Listen to the teacher
6. Study Math more
7. Always try my best

That's all about my strong points, weak points and my plan to improve at Term 2. I feel happy to share all of it in this entry.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Hayao Miyazaki's

Hayao Miyazaki... he is a great director ! I like one of his movie that I already watch it, the title of the movie is 'Spirited Away'. From the first I hear the title I already get excited and curious about this movie, because spirit means like a ghost and away means like remove. Spirited Away is a Anime Movie so this movie just an animation. Spirited Away is a movie about a young girl named 'Chihiro' moved to other city with her parents. In the middle of their journey to the new city they got lost and they found an abandoned theme park. Her parents smell a good taste from the inside the theme park and they found a lot of food. Her parents eat like they never eat before, Chihiro told them to stop but they won't. So Chihiro go to take a walk at the theme park. She found a bath house, but when she want to cross the bridge she met a young boy name Haku to go away and leave that place. When Chihiro go back to her parents, they changed into a pigs. Chihiro is scared and she want to cross the river, the river full of water already. Haku tells her everything, he told Chihiro that she already got stuck at the Spirit World.

If you want to know what's going on next, you can watch this film. I really sorry I don't have the link of this movie because I watched this film at my school. 

Hayao Miyazaki create 1 more his Anime Movie that called 'The Wind Rises'. This movie is his Final Masterpiece, I think he won't make another Anime Movie again. I really want to watch this movie because I think his movie would be awesome. This movie won and was nominated for severals award, including nomination for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, The Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and The Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year. 

Transformer 4 : Age of Extinction

Oh yeah !  Transformer ! I think you all know what is this movie ! Transformer is my best movie all the time !
Do you ever watched this movie ? If you never watched this movie I'll tell you what is this movie about !
Transformer is a movie about robot that came from another planet that called Cybertron ! But Cybertron is destroyed by the war of Autobots and Decepticons. So, they came to the human world in form of meteor. Autobots is the good side and Decepticons is the evil side. They find something that called 'AllSpark' on earth. Autobots and Decepticons can scan a transportation like cars, bus, aeroplane, truck & another metal object to change to robot form. Sam Witwicky was the cast hero from human, he is the owner of BumbleBee one of the Autobots. Optimus Prime is the leader of Autobots, he's vehicle form is a truck. Megatron is the leader of decepticons, he looks scare but he is not too powerful. That's just a bit story from me about the beginning of Transformer. In this entry I want to talk about Transformer 4 : The Age of Extinction ! I will share about what I am thinking about this movie or what will happen in this movie.

Transformer 4 : Age of Extinction. Hmm.. that's sounds cool but a bit weird. I think this movie will changed a lot because the cast hero from the human is not Sam Witwicky any more and many will be many new Autobots and Decepticon. I really curious what this story about, it can be the last chapter of Transformer because from the title 'Extinction' but I hope it's not. I hope there still BumbleBee from Autobots in this movie. I think there will be a Dinosaurs robot in this chapter because the title says 'Age of Extinction'. I really curious about this movie, I really want to watch it. This movie is still coming soon but it will coming in this year at JUNE 2014 !  

That's all my entry about Transformer 4 ! I hope you got curious too about this movie ! This is the link you can open to watch the trailer of Transformer 4 : Age of Extinction ! 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sword Art Online !

Konnichiwa mina ! This means "Hello Everybody !" I want to tell you about one of my favorite Anime 'Sword Art Online'. Maybe you think this is an online game when the first time you hear it, but its not ! This is an Anime series. I will talk about when I am curious about this Anime.

Sword Art Online ? What is that ? Sounds good...
All my friends talk about SAO. At first I didn't know what is SAO and what they were talking about. I taught SAI is an online game but I never heard it and that was impossible if I don't know about online games. I really curious what is SAO, so I asked my friend what is SAO. It makes me shy because its like the only one that don't know about SAO is me. After I ask, I know what is SAO ! Sword Art Online is an Anime series. I want to know what were this Anime story about, so I watched this Anime because I don't really like to read Manga. (Japanese Comic)

I finish all the episode of this Anime and that was Awesome ! 
This Anime story is about one guy name Kirito or Kirigaya Kazuto stuck in the deathly Virtual Reality MMORPG. Why is this game deathly ? This is because the game master or can be called the owner change the game become death in game same as death in reality. Only one way to escape is to beat the last level of the game that is level 100. I think Sword Art Online is worth to watch or read !

Okay...., that's a bit story of one my favorite Anime ! If you want to watch this awesome Anime, you can watch is at ! I hope you get curious about Sword Art Online ! I hope you enjoyed this entry !

 <- My replica Kirito Sword 'Elucidator' ->


I want to know everything
Want to know your dreams
To be your thoughts and
I want to explore the other
Side of your cresent moon
I love to be curious
Curious is good
But not for furious
Curious is about mystery
And Solve it
Awesome to be curious

Poem by me about curious.:D

The Mystery of Flight MH370

Hello everybody, do you know about this hot news? about this lost aeroplane? Malaysian Airlines flight code MH370. This mystery makes me very curious, I think you guys are also curious about this mystery. I just want to share a bit information that I know about this case.

How come this plane with almost carry 250 passengers can be lost after 1 hour take off from Kuala Lumpur airport ? Everyone is curious about this mystery and all people that have connection to the passenger feel frustation about this.

At first, some people said this plane fall to the sea, but they can't find anything at the sea. Then, there is another news that a country saw that plane landing but its a fake. Now, they think that plane has been stolen but they don't know yet where this plane landed. This mystery of flight MH370 is similar like world mystery that hasn't be solved.
Before, just 14 countries help Malaysian to find their plane but now 26 countries participate to help find this plane. The 26 countries that participate are : Australia, China, United States, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Brunei, France, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, U.K, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The searching of this plane already expanded to 2 millions square miles.

This is some information that I got to share. I hope you like my information, if you want to know more about this mystery you can read in I hope that can help you. #PRAYFORMALAYSIANAIRLINESMH370

Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Curious Me

Hey mate ! This is my first post at my blog. I want to discuss about my first blog title is "Curious Hans" pretty cool right ? B-) This title shows my personality combined with my name, Yeah ! My name is Hans and I am curious guy. I choose this title because I like it too. This title really shows my identity, it shows that I really curious to something i want to know.

My blog is about the curious me. I really curious about anything that I interested to. For instance, I likes music very much and I curious about it. I will tell a little story about when i got very curious about music. At the past, I go to mall for relax and watch movies. After i buy a ticket for the movies I hear a song that I like but I don't know what is that song, I get curious to that song... I really want to know what is that song. So, i go to ask to the worker in the cinema and finally i know that song, that song is MKTO - Thank You. If you want to listen to that song you can search it at youtube :p ! I'm just joking, this the link if you get curious you can just click the link ! By the way, that's a little story of my experience when I really get curious. Maybe its a little bit embarrassed but I don't mind when I really get curious about something ! At least i got it i'll do it ! 

That's all from my first post at my blogging. I hope you guys enjoy my blog and will be more post about this curious Hans. Um..well, so I hope you enjoyed ! Thank You ! <-- MKTO