Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sword Art Online !

Konnichiwa mina ! This means "Hello Everybody !" I want to tell you about one of my favorite Anime 'Sword Art Online'. Maybe you think this is an online game when the first time you hear it, but its not ! This is an Anime series. I will talk about when I am curious about this Anime.

Sword Art Online ? What is that ? Sounds good...
All my friends talk about SAO. At first I didn't know what is SAO and what they were talking about. I taught SAI is an online game but I never heard it and that was impossible if I don't know about online games. I really curious what is SAO, so I asked my friend what is SAO. It makes me shy because its like the only one that don't know about SAO is me. After I ask, I know what is SAO ! Sword Art Online is an Anime series. I want to know what were this Anime story about, so I watched this Anime because I don't really like to read Manga. (Japanese Comic)

I finish all the episode of this Anime and that was Awesome ! 
This Anime story is about one guy name Kirito or Kirigaya Kazuto stuck in the deathly Virtual Reality MMORPG. Why is this game deathly ? This is because the game master or can be called the owner change the game become death in game same as death in reality. Only one way to escape is to beat the last level of the game that is level 100. I think Sword Art Online is worth to watch or read !

Okay...., that's a bit story of one my favorite Anime ! If you want to watch this awesome Anime, you can watch is at goodanime.net ! I hope you get curious about Sword Art Online ! I hope you enjoyed this entry !

 <- My replica Kirito Sword 'Elucidator' ->

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