Wednesday 26 March 2014

Transformer 4 : Age of Extinction

Oh yeah !  Transformer ! I think you all know what is this movie ! Transformer is my best movie all the time !
Do you ever watched this movie ? If you never watched this movie I'll tell you what is this movie about !
Transformer is a movie about robot that came from another planet that called Cybertron ! But Cybertron is destroyed by the war of Autobots and Decepticons. So, they came to the human world in form of meteor. Autobots is the good side and Decepticons is the evil side. They find something that called 'AllSpark' on earth. Autobots and Decepticons can scan a transportation like cars, bus, aeroplane, truck & another metal object to change to robot form. Sam Witwicky was the cast hero from human, he is the owner of BumbleBee one of the Autobots. Optimus Prime is the leader of Autobots, he's vehicle form is a truck. Megatron is the leader of decepticons, he looks scare but he is not too powerful. That's just a bit story from me about the beginning of Transformer. In this entry I want to talk about Transformer 4 : The Age of Extinction ! I will share about what I am thinking about this movie or what will happen in this movie.

Transformer 4 : Age of Extinction. Hmm.. that's sounds cool but a bit weird. I think this movie will changed a lot because the cast hero from the human is not Sam Witwicky any more and many will be many new Autobots and Decepticon. I really curious what this story about, it can be the last chapter of Transformer because from the title 'Extinction' but I hope it's not. I hope there still BumbleBee from Autobots in this movie. I think there will be a Dinosaurs robot in this chapter because the title says 'Age of Extinction'. I really curious about this movie, I really want to watch it. This movie is still coming soon but it will coming in this year at JUNE 2014 !  

That's all my entry about Transformer 4 ! I hope you got curious too about this movie ! This is the link you can open to watch the trailer of Transformer 4 : Age of Extinction ! 

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