Sunday 4 May 2014

Planning to be better at Term 2

When I receive my term 1 report I not feel satisfy.
My report is not that good, I want to improve my mark. 
In this entry I want to share my strong points, weak points and my plan to get better at this term.

My strong points is I speak English to my friend because most of my friend is from China. I like to read some news or story in the internet and I loves watch TV Series from america. I watch How I met your mother, this TV series is very funny. This really help me to learn new vocabulary and improve my conversation in English.
I also like to participate in the class, like answer the question and listen to the teacher. My strong points is not so many because I am kinda lazy person.

I've got so many weak points, my weak points is I am not always do my homework. Sometimes I like to sleep in the class because I like to sleep and not get enough sleep so I feel tired. When the test is the approaching and I think I can't do it I don't want to study and just give up on it. My worst weakness is at the Math lesson that I really don't care about it, I hate this lesson because really make me confuse and I don't want to study this subject. I got very bad mark in this lesson on my term 1 report.

So lastly, this is my plan to get better at Term 2

1. Keep improving my English at reading, watching and conversation.
2. Start to get enough sleep so I don't feel sleepy at class
3. Try to always do my homework
4. Study if there is a test
5. Listen to the teacher
6. Study Math more
7. Always try my best

That's all about my strong points, weak points and my plan to improve at Term 2. I feel happy to share all of it in this entry.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Hans
    You should feel proud of your strengths because they are very important ones. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Don't give young man!
    All the best
